Village Hall Fundraising Lottery

The Board of Trustees are delighted to announce the launch of the new Village Hall Fundraising Lottery which will start on the 1st April, with the first draw taking place in May. Numbers are £2 each payable monthly by Standing Order, with £1 from each ticket used for funds to maintain our fabulous hall, and £1 going into the prize pot, which is then paid out to one lucky player each month.

There are no minimum or maximum numbers of players/numbers, so we really can make a difference to both the hall funds and the winners! Each monthly draw will take place live on the Hall Facebook page, and the amount of the prize and the winning number will be posted here, on the Village Hall Facebook Page and the Village Noticeboard.

Please send an email to or for details and registration forms.

Previously we ran the 100 Club moving forward it will all be through the Lottery.

August winner – number 4! Congratulations.

September winner – TBA

Contact : Fundraising Lottery